Dallas Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

Dallas Distracted Driving Accident LawyerIf a distracted driver has hit you in Dallas, you know firsthand the frustration and pain it causes. You shouldn’t have to handle this burden alone.

As your Dallas distracted driving accident lawyer, Allbee Law Firm is here to help you hold the negligent driver accountable and help you get the compensation you deserve. We will handle your case with precision and dedication so you can focus on what’s truly important – your recovery. Contact us today at (972) 848-4848 to take the first steps toward justice.

Table of Contents

What Should I Do If A Distracted Driver Injured Me?

Stay At The Scene

The first rule is to stay at the scene of the accident. Leaving the scene could potentially lead to criminal penalties. Staying put allows you to exchange necessary information with the other party, gather eyewitness accounts, and ensure you can give your version of the events to the police, which might be critical in building your case later.

Call The Police

Immediately call the police to report the accident. Having an official police report will be critical evidence to support your claim. It documents the details of the accident and sometimes includes the officer’s opinion on the cause of the accident, which can corroborate your account.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if your injuries seem minor, seeking medical attention promptly is essential. Some injuries may not manifest immediately and could become significant issues later on. A medical record linking your injuries to the accident is vital in securing compensation.

Document The Scene

Use your smartphone to take pictures or videos of the accident scene from various angles. Capture your vehicle’s damages, injuries, and other relevant details. This visual documentation can be solid evidence for your claim.

Gather Witness Information

If there are witnesses to the accident, try to get their contact information. Witness statements can provide an independent account of the accident, strengthening your claim against the distracted driver.

Exchange Information With The Other Driver

Exchange necessary information with the other driver, including:

  • Names
  • Addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Insurance details
  • License plate numbers

Avoid getting into an argument or discussing the accident details to prevent any statements from being used against you later.

Consult A Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

Consult with a Dallas distracted driving accident lawyer from Allbee Law Firm to guide you through the legal processes that follow. We can ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the full compensation you are entitled to.

Notify Your Insurance Company

Hire a distracted driving accident lawyer from Allbee Law Firm for optimal protection and communication before discussing any specifics with the at-fault party’s insurance. This way, you can focus on healing while we effectively manage all interactions with the insurance adjuster.

What Compensation Can I Get For A Distracted Driving Accident In Dallas, TX

A car accident can leave you with expensive medical bills, serious injuries, and trauma. Allbee Law Firm will work to get you every dollar you are legally entitled to. Here are the damages you can potentially obtain compensation for:

Medical Expenses

Getting involved in a car accident means expensive medical bills that can pile up instantly. We will ensure you get compensation for doctor visits, surgeries, rehabilitation, and any future medical needs related to the accident.

Lost Wages

Someone else’s negligence shouldn’t compromise your earning ability. We will fight to recover compensation for lost wages you incur during your recovery.

Property Damage

Your vehicle might have sustained considerable damage in the accident. We are determined to secure compensation for repairs or replacement without incurring out-of-pocket expenses.

Pain And Suffering

The physical and emotional distress following an accident can be overwhelming. You deserve compensation for the anguish you have experienced, and we are committed to ensuring that your pain and suffering are recognized and compensated fairly.

Loss of Consortium

If the accident has strained or broken familial relationships, you might be eligible for loss of consortium compensation.

Punitive Damages

In cases where the distracted driver’s behavior was particularly reckless, you may be entitled to punitive damages. Punitive damages are meant to punish the offender and deter similar future conduct.

How Can Allbee Law Firm Help With Your Distracted Driving Accident Case?

Whether you were rear-ended, sideswiped, or T-boned, Allbee Law Firm’s car accident lawyers are here to support your distracted driving accident case. We understand that this time is incredibly stressful, and we’re committed to making the legal process as simple and straightforward as possible for you.

Our experienced legal team can handle the legal aspects of your case, from gathering crucial evidence to representing you in court. We prioritize clear communication and ensure you are informed at every stage. Let us take the burden off your shoulders so you can focus on your recovery. Contact Allbee Law Firm at (972) 848-4848 for dependable support and expertise in your Dallas distracted driving case.

Free Initial Consultation

Car accidents can be overwhelming, especially when involving negligent and distracted drivers. That’s why Allbee Law Firm offers free consultations to help you understand your options and potential avenues for compensation. 

We believe in empowering you with information and guidance from the very beginning without any financial commitment. Reach out to us today to take advantage of our expertise at no upfront cost.

Assistance With Medical Bills And Treatment Through LOP (Letter Of Protection)

Expensive medical bills can add stress to an already difficult situation. Allbee Law Firm aims to alleviate that burden by providing a Letter of Protection (LOP) to assist you with your medical bills and treatment. Using a Letter of Protection means you can receive the necessary medical attention without the immediate pressure of payment. We will work directly with healthcare providers to postpone payment until your car accident case is resolved, allowing you to focus on your recovery without financial strain.

Handling Your Insurance Claim

Allbee Law Firm’s legal team handles all aspects of our clients’ personal injury cases, including setting up their insurance claims. Once you decide to proceed, we will begin setting up your distracted driving accident claim to ensure accuracy.

Having Allbee Law Firm set up your car accident claim also protects you from potentially saying or doing something that could harm your case down the line. With our experienced team, you can rest assured that the necessary steps and procedures will be done correctly.  


Negotiation is a huge part of every personal injury case’s success. Allbee Law Firm’s experienced Dallas distracted driving accident lawyers are here to manage all communications and negotiations with the insurance companies on your behalf. Our team knows how to articulate your claims, ensuring your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve.

Trial Representation

If your Dallas distracted driving accident case progresses to trial, know that Allbee Law Firm is fully prepared to represent you. Our experienced personal injury attorneys are skilled at building solid and evidence-backed cases, and presenting them in court to fight for the justice and compensation you deserve.

Schedule A Consult With A Dallas Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

Consults Are Free For Car Accident Victims

How Do You Prove Fault in Distracted Driving Car Accidents?

Proving negligence is crucial for a successful distracted driving accident claim. Our experienced team is here to build a strong case for you, using clear and concrete evidence to establish fault. Here’s how we do it:

Police Accident Reports

We start with the police accident reports, which detail the circumstances of the accident. This report often indicates if distracted driving was a factor, which can be a solid base for your claim.

Video Footage

Video footage from security or dash cameras can clearly show what happened at the time of the accident. We use this footage to show the actions of the distracted driver clearly.

Cell Phone Records

By looking at the cellphone records of the involved parties, we can determine if the other driver was using their phone at the time of the accident. Cell phone records can be a substantial piece of evidence to prove a distraction.

Eyewitness Statements

We gather statements from people who witnessed the accident. Their accounts can help support your case by providing additional information on the distracted driver’s behavior.

Accident Reconstruction

We use accident reconstruction to create a detailed analysis of how the accident occurred. This technical approach helps present a clear picture of the events leading up to the accident.

Bills, Invoices, And Pay Stubs

To prove the financial impact of the accident on your life, we collect all relevant bills, invoices, and pay stubs. These records show the economic losses you’ve experienced from the car accident, justifying the need for compensation.

Dallas Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer FAQs

Distracted driving accidents involve any activity that diverts the driver’s attention away from the primary task of driving. This includes but is not limited to using a cell phone for texting or calling, eating, drinking, talking to passengers, or adjusting the radio or navigation system.

The law specifically prohibits using cell phones for sending electronic messages while driving, as this can significantly impair a driver’s ability to focus on the road and react timely to changing traffic conditions, thereby increasing the risk of an accident.

Texas takes the issue of distracted driving seriously and has enacted specific laws to address the growing concern. The primary legislation revolves around the use of handheld devices. 

While behind the wheel, drivers are prohibited from reading, writing, or sending electronic messages. The law encompasses not just texting but also extends to activities like emailing, browsing, and engaging in other forms of electronic communication.

However, the restrictions go beyond just messaging. If you’re under 18, Texas law forbids you from using any wireless communication device while driving. This means even hands-free or voice-activated functionalities are off-limits for younger drivers.

Moreover, there’s an additional layer of safety concerning school zones. To protect young students and ensure smooth traffic flow, all drivers, regardless of age, are banned from using handheld devices in designated school zones. This is an essential point of emphasis as school zones are high-risk areas, and any form of distraction can have severe consequences.

Distracted driving continues to be a significant concern on Texas roads. To provide some perspective, statistics from 2022 show that almost one in six wrecks in Texas were caused by distracted driving. Distracted driving was responsible for taking the lives of 487 people and seriously injuring 2,824.

These figures can fluctuate annually due to various factors, including changes in laws, public awareness campaigns, and technological advancements.

Texting while driving is not just dangerous; in Texas, it also comes with legal consequences. The initial offense can result in a fine that ranges from $25 to $99, a tangible reminder of the risks they’re taking.

However, the penalties become steeper if a driver hasn’t learned their lesson and is caught again. Repeat offenders can expect to pay fines of up to $200. These escalating penalties are a testament to Texas’s commitment to curbing this hazardous behavior on the road.

But the consequences don’t stop at just fines. In cases where a driver’s texting behind the wheel leads to more severe outcomes, like causing an accident that results in significant injuries or even death, the penalties are graver. In such instances, they can be fined up to $4,000 and face potential jail time.

This stringent approach underscores Texas’ determination to ensure that drivers understand the severe repercussions of such distractions, not just for themselves, but for everyone on the road.

While Texas law primarily focuses on texting, any activity that puts the driver, passengers, or others at risk due to lack of attention can be considered negligent and potentially reckless driving. This means you can be pulled over and cited if you are looking at your phone and it causes you to drive unsafely.

There are other crucial points to note about cellphone usage while driving in Texas:

Exceptions To The General Rule: 

While the laws are strict, there are a few exceptions. For emergency communications, specific allowances are made. For example, 

Young Drivers: 

The rules are even more stringent for younger drivers. Anyone under 18 years old is completely barred from using a cell phone while driving, regardless of whether it’s hands-free or handheld, unless it’s an emergency situation.

School Bus Operators: 

Those who operate school buses have their own set of restrictions. They are forbidden from using cell phones while driving if children are on board.

Learner’s Permit Holders: 

New drivers, or those with a learner’s permit, are in a unique category. They cannot use cell phones for the first six months of driving.

School Zones: 

Regardless of age or driving experience, using any handheld device while driving through a school zone is strictly illegal.

The Texas Department of Transportation strongly advises against using cell phones while driving for everyone’s safety. If you need to use your phone, it’s best to pull over safely, bring your vehicle to a complete stop, and then proceed with your call or text. Also, considering the variances in local laws, it’s essential to be familiar with the rules of specific areas you frequent.

Texas laws regarding the use of video equipment and television receivers in vehicles are outlined in Section 547.611 of the Texas Transportation Code and are crafted with safety at the forefront. Here’s a breakdown of the stipulations:

Standard Motor Vehicles: 

For the vast majority of vehicles, any video-receiving equipment—including televisions, DVD players, videocassette players, or similar devices—can be installed. However, the key restriction is its placement: the video display must be positioned so it’s not visible from the driver’s seat when the vehicle is in motion. The only time the video display can be visible from the driver’s seat is if the vehicle’s transmission is set to ‘park’ or the parking brake is applied.

Specialized Vehicles For TV Stations: 

Vehicles that are specially designed as mobile units for licensed television stations have a different set of rules. In these vehicles, video-receiving equipment can be placed so the operator or driver can see the display. However, this equipment can only be used when the vehicle is stationary.


There are particular exceptions to these general rules:

  • Safety or Law Enforcement: Devices used solely for safety or law enforcement can be used, provided each installation receives approval from the appropriate department.
  • Remote Television Transmission Trucks: These vehicles have an exemption for specific equipment use.
  • Utility Vehicles Monitoring: Equipment used to monitor the performance of safety tools on vehicles associated with operations of utilities like natural gas, water, or electricity can be exempted.
  • Mobile Navigation Systems: Monitoring devices paired with mobile navigation systems that produce an electronic display are allowed. The main intention behind such devices is to aid navigation, not entertainment.

Given these regulations, while there are some exceptions based on vehicle type or purpose, the overarching message is the prioritization of safety. For most drivers, watching videos or engaging with display equipment when the vehicle is in motion is unsafe and against Texas law.

In Texas, no statute directly bans or criminalizes the act of eating while driving. Like many other states, Texas has laws focused primarily on actions that directly lead to distracted or reckless driving rather than specific activities like eating.

That said, this doesn’t mean drivers have a free pass to multitask on the road without consequences. The broader scope of Texas driving laws is about ensuring safety on the roads. So, if a driver is munching on a snack or a meal and, as a result, becomes distracted to the point where they jeopardize their safety or the safety of others, they might find themselves in hot water.

For instance, if a driver spills a drink, drops food, or gets sauce on their hands and, in the commotion, swerves, speeds, or otherwise operates their vehicle unsafely, they can be pulled over and cited for reckless or distracted driving. Furthermore, if an accident were to occur due to such distractions, the driver could be held liable for damages, injuries, or any other consequences stemming from that accident.

While eating itself isn’t illegal, the consequences of allowing it to disrupt safe driving can lead to legal repercussions. As always, the priority when driving should be the road, the vehicle, and the safety of everyone on board and around.

Texas laws don’t clearly say you can’t use phones at red lights. But this doesn’t mean it’s totally fine to do so. Texas driving rules’ main goal is to be safe and pay attention. 

If someone is caught up texting or chatting and doesn’t see the light turn green, or if they hold up traffic, they might get a ticket. It’s always smart to stay alert at all stops, focusing on traffic and the safety of everyone around. A good rule of thumb for drivers is to avoid distractions and always keep an eye on the road, even during short breaks.

Schedule A Free Consultation With Allbee Law Firm Today

If you have been involved in a distracted driving accident in Dallas, getting the right legal help is critical. Allbee Law Firm is here to assist you every step of the way, ready to offer you the expertise, support, and representation that can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Make the choice to safeguard your future by contacting us today at (972) 848-4848 — because every second counts when it comes to fighting for your rights.



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Suite 445

Dallas, TX 75232



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