Arlington Personal Injury Lawyer

Arlington Personal Injury LawyerIf you’ve been injured in an accident, it is important to speak with an Arlington personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. A qualified personal injury lawyer can hold the insurance company responsible, help you get your medical bills paid for and receive the compensation you deserve.

At Allbee Law Firm, consultations are completely free for personal injury victims. Initial consultations can take place face-to-face, on the phone, or via video chat. 

During your consultation, an experienced Arlington personal injury attorney will give you a chance to share your experience, ask questions, and make your own decisions after hearing your options. 

Allbee Law Firm is here to help you if you need a personal injury lawyer in Arlington. You have nothing to lose so call us at (972) 848-4848 to see if you have a case. 

Speak With An Arlington Personal Injury Lawyer For Free

Personal Injury Consultations Are Free. Find Out How Much Compensation You Can Receive.

What Will Allbee Law Firm Do For Me?

Free Consultation

Allbee Law Firm provides free consultations and legal advice to all personal injury victims who have been injured in Arlington, TX, and throughout the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex. During the consultation, you will speak with a personal injury attorney about how you were injured. We’ll discuss Texas injury law and all of your legal options so that you can determine the best path for you.

Request And Review Your Accident Report

We’ll order your accident report for you so you don’t have to spend time hunting it down. Once we receive the police report, a personal injury lawyer will explain what it means to you and your case.

Setup Your Insurance Claim

We’ll set up insurance claims so you don’t have to waste your time setting it up or worry about accidentally saying something that will harm the value of your case. 

Assist With Medical Treatment 

In most situations, we can help our clients find doctors who will provide medical treatment without requiring them to pay out of their own pocket. We’ll do our best to help you connect with doctors who will provide medical treatment for your injuries. 

Typically, we will send a medical provider a Letter of Protection, which is a contract wherein our law group will promise to protect the amount of money that is owed to the medical provider. We protect the money owed to the medical provider by paying the medical provider directly from the settlement proceeds of the personal injury case. Once a Letter of Protection is received, medical providers will feel comfortable treating a personal injury victim because they know they’ll get paid for their services eventually.  

Please note that there are many medical providers who will not accept a Letter of Protection, and we can’t force a medical provider to accept a Letter of Protection. However, the vast majority of our clients are able to have their personal injuries resolved with the help of doctors, therapists, and other medical providers who provide medical treatment for personal injuries under a Letter of Protection. 

We will also gather all relevant medical bills and records so they can be used in settlement negotiations and as evidence if your case goes to trial. 


We have policies and procedures that ensure we stay in touch with you throughout the process. When you hire Allbee Law Firm, you will become part of our team. Our goal is to share our knowledge and experience with you throughout the process so that you can develop trust in our knowledge and abilities. We also want you to be able to provide input that only you can provide. 


We prepare all personal injury cases as if they will go to trial, and the insurance companies know this. We want the insurance adjusters to realize that they better put forth a good settlement offer or we will hold them accountable by filing a lawsuit.  

We’re able to resolve most cases through pre-litigation negotiations, but we will continue to negotiate for a fair settlement offer on your behalf all the way until the day of trial if needed. We will seek maximum compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, medical bills, and any other type of compensation the law allows you to receive. 


Our top priority is helping you get a fair settlement as soon as possible, but sometimes insurance companies try to make it difficult. This is because insurance companies view you as a business expense and hope you’ll go away when things get tough. 

We have filed suit and litigated hundreds of cases. We are comfortable in the courtroom and during each step that leads us there. We will “walk the walk” and truly fight to get you the compensation you deserve for your personal injuries. 

Arlington Personal Injury Lawyer FAQs

If you can’t afford to pay for medical treatment for your personal injury case then you definitely need to call us as soon as possible.  There are many medical providers who give you physical therapy and other types of medical treatment without requiring you to pay out of pocket. 

Allbee Law Firm has kept track of medical providers who will give personal injury victims medical treatment under a Letter of Protection. 

A Letter of Protection is a contract between the law firm and the medical provider wherein the firm promises to pay the medical providers directly from the settlement proceeds.  The medical providers feel comfortable providing medical treatment because they realize they will get paid eventually. 

Letters of Protection can be used for many types of medical treatment including chiropractic treatment, x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, prescription medication, pain management, and urgent care visits. 

To pursue a personal injury case, we need to help you prove that a duty existed, the duty was breached, and the breach caused damages to you. 

What does that actually mean? Well, let’s discuss that in a way that actually makes sense. Car accidents are one of the more common personal injury claims we handle, so we’ll use car accidents for this example.


When we drive on public roads, we have a duty to drive like a reasonable person. A reasonable person will follow traffic signals, obey posted speed limits, leave a safe amount of space between their vehicle and the vehicle in front of them, etc. In other words, we all have a duty to drive safely and follow basic traffic rules and guidelines.

A personal injury lawyer will establish that the defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of care by researching relevant laws and regulations and examining the relationship between the parties involved.

Breach of Duty

Breach of duty is a fancy way of saying that a person didn’t follow the rules and laws of the road. In our car accident example, this would mean that a person drove recklessly, tailgated you, ran a red light, etc. 

A personal injury lawyer will gather evidence to demonstrate that the defendant’s actions were unreasonable, negligent, or reckless. This may involve obtaining witness statements, reviewing accident reports, or consulting with experts in the relevant field.


To win your personal injury case, we need to be able to “connect the dots” between the breach of duty and your injuries (damages.) In other words, we need to show that the other driver’s negligence caused you to incur harm or injury. The harm can range from damage to your car, medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, disfigurement, impairment, and even wrongful death.   

An experienced personal injury lawyer will gather medical records, accident reports, and other relevant evidence to demonstrate the link between the defendant’s actions and the plaintiff’s injuries. We may also consult with medical experts or accident reconstruction specialists to help prove causation.


Damages is a legal term that includes all of the harm you’ve incurred from someone else’s negligence. Damages can include damage to your car, medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, and many other types of harm caused by an accident.

Personal injury lawyers prove damages by presenting evidence of your personal injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other damages you sustained. The evidence can include medical records, payroll records, and testimony from witnesses, police officers, and family members.

A personal injury attorney may also work with medical professionals, economists, and other experts to calculate the appropriate amount of compensation a personal injury victim deserves.  

A skilled personal injury lawyer can help you navigate this complex process and ensure that you have the best chance of receiving the compensation you deserve.

Believe it or not, being involved in an accident doesn’t necessarily mean that you should hire an Arlington personal injury lawyer.  Every single case is unique, but here are a few of the more common scenarios we see:

Accident With Injuries

At a minimum, you should call an experienced personal injury lawyer and have a free consultation.  This will give you a chance to explain how your accident happened, the harm and injuries you’ve incurred from the accident, and get a clear picture of the legal options you have.  If the injuries were caused by another person or company who was negligent, it’s extremely likely that we will recommend that you hire a personal injury lawyer. 

Keep in mind that if you’ve been injured, it’s important to seek medical treatment for your injuries as soon as possible.  There are many medical providers who will wait to be paid for therapy and medical treatment they provide to personal injury victims until their case is resolved through settlement or a jury verdict.  Our Law Firm is always willing to discuss the option of working with such medical providers in Arlington TX and throughout the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex during your free consultation. 

Accident Without Injuries

Personal injury law allows a person to receive compensation for the harm that actually occurred, not the harm that could have occurred.  In other words, extremely unlikely that you will receive any compensation by alleging that you could have been injured.

However, there are a few exceptions. If you were involved in an accident and weren’t injured, you’re welcome to call Allbee Law Firm for a free consultation, but we will most likely tell you that our Arlington personal injury lawyers cannot add value to your case. 

Unfortunate Accidents With Injuries

Sometimes, people are injured even though nobody was negligent.  Insurance companies will only pay for medical bills and other harm caused by a negligent person or company. Sadly, this means that many people are injured, each year, and they will not be able to receive any form of compensation for their injuries because nobody did anything negligent.  

Negligence can be a bit of a complicated topic, so feel free to call Allbee Law Firm for a free consultation so we can help you determine if your injuries were caused by someone’s negligence and if you have a personal injury case that we can help you pursue. Our Arlington personal injury lawyers can also discuss Personal Injury Protection, Medical Payments coverage, and other options that might be available to help you receive some type of compensation.

The Arlington personal injury attorneys at Allbee Law Firm will never ask you to pay a retainer or pay for any attorney fees out of your own pocket. 

At Allbee Law Firm, our Arlington personal injury lawyers are compensated by a contingency fee.  A contingency agreement means that we don’t get paid unless and until we help you receive a settlement or jury verdict.  We only get paid if your case is successful, so there’s no risk in hiring us as your personal injury lawyer.

Many firms don’t publish their contingency fee rates, but we’re perfectly comfortable sharing the rates because we like transparency, and we want you to make an informed decision when you hire an Arlington personal injury attorney. 

Personal injury cases are typically divided into three phases.  The amount of the contingency fee that Allbee Law Firm will receive will depend on which phase your case is resolved in. 


Pre-litigation is the phase that includes everything that takes place before a lawsuit is filed.  If we help you resolve your case during pre-litigation, which is when we are able to help most of our clients resolve their cases, then the contingency fee will be 33.33% of the total settlement.


If the insurance company doesn’t want to offer a fair settlement amount, we will hold them accountable by filing a lawsuit.  Litigation is the name of the phase that begins once a lawsuit is filed. 

We are still able to resolve many of our clients’ cases for a fair settlement amount after we file a lawsuit.  If your case is resolved after a lawsuit is filed but before the trial begins, our law firm will receive 40% of the total settlement as compensation for the services we provide.  Litigation presents more risks and quite a bit more work, which is why the litigation attorney fee is higher than the pre-litigation contingency fee. 


Lastly, if your case goes all the way to trial, Allbee Law Firm will receive 45% of the total verdict as compensation for helping you obtain that result. 

Please note that attorney fees are separate from case expenses.  Case expenses typically include items such as court filing fees, deposition expenses, mediation fees, paying healthcare providers for copies of medical bills and records, etc.  Our firm advances case expenses for our clients, but we are reimbursed through settlement proceeds once your case is resolved.  Feel free to ask for more clarification regarding case expenses in greater detail during your free consultation. 

Allbee Law Firm prepares every personal injury case as if it will go all the way to trial.  Our approach to handling cases helps the insurance adjusters and defense attorneys quickly realize that we are serious.

The advantage of hiring an Arlington personal injury attorneys sooner than later is it allows us to gather the evidence before it disappears or becomes more difficult to gather.  For this reason, we strongly prefer having our personal injury clients hire our firm as soon as possible.  

Hiring a personal injury attorney early in the process will also provide you with significant relief in multiple ways.  First of all, we will be able to put your mind at ease.  We will give you the information and answers that will help you find some degree of peace so that you can focus on recovering from your personal injuries. 

We can also help you find physical relief from your injuries by helping you find doctors and other medical providers who can help you on your path to recovery. In most cases, we are able to help our clients find medical providers who will treat their injuries and wait for payment until the case is resolved.  

Why would you wait to get physical therapy or see a doctor if you can likely see a doctor today?  And just to be clear, our law firm doesn’t receive referral fees from medical providers. 

This is one of the most common questions we receive, but every personal injury case is unique, so there isn’t a straightforward answer. However, the value of your personal injury case will be impacted by the following factors: 

Liability Status

Liability is the legal term that is used to describe who is responsible for causing harm. Clear liability, which is when it’s clear that the other party is totally at fault will help your case. Split liability or situations where you may be determined to be at least partially at fault will decrease the value of your case.

Property Damage

Insurance adjusters and jurors don’t seem to like it when a person shows up to court with $50,000 in medical bills and a small scratch on their bumper.

Does the damage to your vehicle tell the whole story regarding what happened? Absolutely not. However, low property damage tends to decrease the value of a personal injury case.

The Dollar Amount Of Verifiable Damages

A person who has a single visit to an urgent care facility that costs $150 will likely see a different settlement outcome than someone who has a $50,000 surgery. The same would also apply to someone who is able to work versus the person who has $20,000 in lost wages.

Medical Treatment Gaps

Waiting too long to receive medical treatment for your injuries and having gaps in treatment while you’re receiving medical treatment can also decrease the value of your case. It’s important to start receiving medical treatment early and follow the doctor’s orders.

Medical Treatment Compliance

Not following the doctor’s orders will typically decrease the value of your case. Jurors will question if you were injured or just faking if they see medical records that indicate you skipped doctors’ appointments or didn’t follow the doctor’s treatment guidelines.

The Severity of The Injuries

It makes sense that insurance companies will pay more to a person who is paralyzed than to a person who has whiplash.  Whiplash can be tough to deal with, but there’s an obvious difference between never being able to walk again and dealing with sprains and strains for a few months. 

Future Issues

Even after they are released from medical treatment, some people will continue to have impairments or pain and suffering for years to come. Some people won’t even be able to work anymore. People who have evidence of harm that will continue into the future will typically receive more compensation than a person who makes a full recovery and is released from medical treatment without any lingering issues.

The Amount Of Insurance Coverage Or Resources

Texas law requires drivers to have at least $30,000 in liability insurance to compensate an individual who is injured in an accident. This can become a problem if you have medical bills that exceed that amount, but there are ways to address that issue.

However, some people carry much higher insurance limits. Obviously, an injured person has the potential to receive more compensation if they’re injured by someone who has $500,000 in insurance coverage instead of the $30,000 that is required in Texas.

How The Injuries Affect The Victim

The amount of compensation you receive can fluctuate based on how your injuries impacted you. For example, a retired person with whiplash will likely be treated differently than a person whose whiplash prevents them from being able to work. Also, a person whose injuries prevent them from being able to attend their child’s wedding in another state will likely be compensated differently than someone with the same type of injury who wouldn’t have the same type of loss.

We provide free consultations for personal injury victims, so call (972) 848-4848 if you’d like to speak with an Arlington personal injury lawyer about your case. After hearing the details of your case, we can give you an idea of how much your personal injury case could be worth.  

Are You Looking for the Best Arlington Personal Injury Lawyer? Choose Allbee Law Firm!

If you or a loved one has experienced a personal injury due to someone else’s negligence, it’s crucial to have the right Arlington personal injury lawyer on your side. At Allbee Law Firm, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial challenges that can follow an accident, and we’re here to help you regain control of your life.

With our exceptional track record and commitment to justice, our dedicated team is ready to fight for the compensation you deserve. Don’t let someone else’s carelessness derail your future – call us today at (972) 848-4848 to schedule a free consultation and get the representation you need!



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